What value does your company deliver to which and what size markets, and where does your company stand and what sales issues exist in these areas? We first clarify client situations with data through market surveys, data analysis, and interviews in actual places. Then, we depict a future form for your company to aim for with a narrative, and in the following steps we have drawn up viable strategies to improve sales.
2BC summarises the key process in B2B sales and marketing efforts into seven elements.
The process is to help:
In B2B, businesses cannot naturally be lumped together, and the products handled in those fields also vary. For example, if there is a general awareness of an issue and a general understanding of a solution like a B2B (EC) product area such as corporate PC and office supplies, customers should take purchasing action in a short period of time, which is centered on “selection” of things like “price” and “function/specs.” Conversely, in areas of ICT solutions where technological progress is fierce, e.g., building virtual network environments, purchasing activities should proceed such that rational decisions can be made using complex techniques such as “collecting knowledge that becomes hypotheses” and “validation of solutions.” If your product category status is not analyzed in this way, afterwards you will not be able to decide on an approach policy. Firmly understanding and defining your business is strongly connected to tool selection, communication policy, and how to set targets.
Let’s think about whether you are able to accurately define, “a customer persona as a partner while providing your company value,” what kind of work the customer is doing and what kind of people are there, what are the results and expectations that the customer wants, and what are the specific problems or worries that the customer has. Here we highlight elements corresponding to “customer desires” and “customer problems/worries.” Let’s organize the value offered by your company based on those factors. The value of the products and services provided by your company should be redefined. In addition, what is the current market position for the value of these products and services? What kind of position do you see in comparison with competitors? We clarify the current situation your company is in across several evaluation axes.
What is the market for the products or services you are offering? Marketers should be able to discuss the market your company is facing with specific numbers and scenes. Let’s define the total addressable market (TAM) with the number of target companies and market revenue opportunity . Let’s also define a serviceable available market (SAM) on the axes of area and scale of annual sales. Campaign techniques change greatly depending on these SAM numbers and attributes. Then, we clarify how much revenue the market comprises depending on the number of companies and attributes of current customers as well as (SOM) in this process.
Through workshops, we visualise the buyer journey among customers in defined markets. By assembling the leader class with a lot of field experience and sales members, and placing “personnel (department/title)” on the vertical axis and “examined behaviour and process to change awareness” on the horizontal axis, we clarify how your company’s products are purchased by customers. The basics of both marketing and sales activities are to help customers move from one stage to the next. In fact, there should be many buyer journeys, but the important point is how to abstract purchasing patterns and combine them into two to three patterns. External and internal factors which prevent customers to move to the next stage of the buyer journey are identified in the workshops and are written into each process. How your company should communicate with customers differs according to these factors. A highly precise buyer journey is like a marketing “map” which guides marketers to right directions. Subsequent activities centred on communication design and business process design should be smoothly guided.
Here we design the sales and marketing process inside your company. In particular, we design a business process from lead creation to fostering opportunities to business negotiations to closing, which matches the customer purchasing process. Since rapid change from the current system can cause great confusion, we consider phasing the process transition as necessary in light of the current sales structure, and we explore the best implementation and management with the present system environment + selection of IT tools. If there are strategy and communication design that give careful consideration to the items up to now, technological capability can be sufficiently elicited. In this process design, we fully draw on the strength of utilising the marketing technology provided by our company.
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Particularly in marketing organisations having a weak alignment with management hierarchy and sales, we often see cases aiming for increasing the number of generated leads and MQL creation, but these are extremely arbitrary target values. As mentioned at the beginning, the goal of sales and marketing initiatives should be to increase sales, i.e., to increase orders. We establish PIs/KPIs for each internal process designed in the previous section, and the important thing here is that internal resources are limited. Sales productivity can be defined as the return on sales produced by all resources invested in sales and marketing, i.e., man hours + expenses, and we design targets with an awareness of maximizing this.
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The PREA cycle is the timing at which implementation is finally switched on. We visualise and document complete process flows with annual, quarterly and monthly spans in promoting entire projects. How many prospects were acquired and how many orders did this lead to? Which activities are likely to lead to results? We confirm and improve the results of subsequent processes one after another. Then, we optimise the return loop by managing activities in the series of flows that lead to orders and sales. This step involves a lot of specific campaigns and implementation. We also set up systems and prepare implementation to determine specific campaigns for activities to create customers from prospects, and to formulate marketing calendars and define content production policies. Here the engagement strategy provided by our company, consulting and activities to create customers from prospects can be utilised.
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